Wednesday, July 18, 2007

in my block i
'll want to write for
the capital f of macedonia
skopje skopje and skopje
The name of the city in
Macedonian is Скопје (Skopje), from Latin Skupi, the name of a pre-Greek people of the region who founded the city. The word Skupi which was the first name of the city means "hut" in Paeonian. During the Middle Ages, Skopje was often under the rule of the Bulgarian Empire; the Bulgarian rendition is Скопие (Skopie). The Turkish name of the city is Üsküb and it was known as Uskub or Uskup in most Western European languages during the period of Ottoman rule. The Serbian name for the city is Skoplje or Скопље; it was known as such in English during the time of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

Classical era
The site of modern Skopje has been inhabited since at least 3500 BC; remains of
Neolithic settlements have been found within the old Kale fortress that overlooks the modern city centre. The settlement appears to have been founded around the 3rd century BC by the Ancient Paionians, a tribe that inhabited north of Macedon.
Skupi came under
Roman rule after the general Quintus Caecilius Metellus defeated Andriscus of Macedon in 148 BC, being at first part of the Roman province of Macedonia, established in 146 BC. The northward expansion of the empire in the course of the 1st century BC lead to the creation of the province of Moesia in Augustus's times, into which Scupi was incorporated. After the division of the province by Domitian in 86 AD, Scupi was elevated to colony and became a seat of government within the new province of Moesia superior. From 395 AD, it passed into the hands of the Eastern Roman (or Byzantine) Empire.
The first known bishop of the city is
Perigorius, present at the Council of Sardica (343). Scupi was probably a metropolitan see about the middle of the 5th century (Latin: Archidioecesis Scopiensis).

Medieval era
The Byzantine Emperor
Justinian I was born near Skupi, at Tauresium, in 483. In 518, Skupi was almost completely destroyed by an earthquake. Justinian came to the aid of its inhabitants by founding a new settlement called Justiniana Prima north from the site of Skupi. However, Justiniana and the remnants of Skupi were destroyed by invading Slavic peoples at the end of the 7th century. The Slavs renamed the site as Skopje but were eventually pushed out by the Byzantines.
During much of the early medieval period, the town was contested between the Byzantines and the
Bulgarian Empire. From 972 to 992 it was the capital of the First Bulgarian Empire. After that, it was a capital of Byzantine administrative region (katepanat) Bulgaria after the fall the First Bulgarian Empire in 1018. Skopje was a thriving trading settlement but fell into decline after being hit by another devastating earthquake at the end of the 11th century. It was a capital of the estate of the Bulgarian feudal lord, later Emperor Konstantin Asen in the middle of 13th century. The town was conquered by the Serbs in 1282. In 1346 it was named the capital of the Serbian Empire of Stefan Dušan.

1392, three years after the Serbian defeat in the Battle of Kosovo in 1389, Skopje was captured by the Ottoman Empire. For the next five hundred years it was known by the Turkish name Üsküb or Üsküp. Ottoman Üsküb was the capital of the Vilayet of Kosovo (district of Kosovo), which occupied a much greater area than the modern region of Kosovo.
The city's character changed markedly during this period. The Ottomans imported
Islam and built many mosques and other typically Ottoman buildings, such as hammans (baths) and travellers' inns, some of which still exist today. Many Sephardi Jews expelled from Spain also settled in the city, adding to its ethnic variety. The medieval city was badly damaged by an earthquake in 1555, but it soon recovered and prospered. By the 17th century, its population was put at between 30,000-60,000. The Turkish writer Dulgar Dede visited Üsküb during this period and wrote: "I travelled for many years across that country of Rumelia and I saw a many beautiful cities and I was amazed at Allah's blessings, but not one impressed and delighted as much as the heavenly city of Skopje across which passes the Vardar River."
1689, however, Skopje was burned by the Austrian general Engelberto d'Ugo Piccolomini – ostensibly to eradicate an outbreak of cholera, but quite possibly to revenge the Ottomans' 1683 attack on Vienna.
The city's fortunes waned over the next 200 years and its population shrank to only about 10,000 people by the middle of the
19th century. It revived after 1873 with the building of the railway from Belgrade to Thessaloniki, which passed through Skopje.

In the 20th century
1905, Skopje had a population of approximately 32,000, which was comprised of a mixture of ethnic and religious groups. In 1910, the Roman Catholic nun Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, later to become famous as Mother Teresa, was born in Skopje.
The city became a major centre of rebellion against the weakening Ottoman Empire, and in
1903 it was a key player in the unsuccessful Ilinden-Preobrazhenie Uprising against Ottoman rule. The Ottomans were expelled from the city in August 12, 1912 by the local Slavic population. Several months later the city was captured by the Serbs at the beginning of First Balkan War.

1913, the allies in the First Balkan War fell out with each other and launched the Second Balkan War over the division of the spoils. Serbia retained control of Skopje, with the Vardar valley being incorporated into Serbia. This lasted until October 1915, when Bulgaria joined the Central Powers and seized much of Serbian-ruled Macedonia. The city was occupied by Serbia at end of the World War I in 1918, when it became part of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (known as the Kingdom of Yugoslavia from 1929). Between 1941 - 1944 the city was under Bulgarian control. One month after the communists took power in Sofia and the Bulgarian army was sent to fight the Germans to the west front, Skopje was seized by Yugoslavian troops, and then joined Yugoslavia in 1944, when it became the capital of the newly established People's Republic of Macedonia. Following the wars, Skopje and the rest of Yugoslav Macedonia was incorporated into Tito's Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

26 July 1963, Skopje was struck by another major earthquake, measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale, which killed over 1,000 people and made another 120,000 homeless. Eighty percent of the city was destroyed by the earthquake, and numerous cultural monuments were seriously damaged. The losses from the quake amounted to a massive 150% of Macedonia's GNP at the time and 15% of Yugoslavia's GNP. A major international relief effort saw the city rebuilt quickly, though much of its old Ottoman aspect was lost in the process. The ruins of the old Skopje train station which was destroyed in the earthquake remain today as a memorial to the victims along with an adjacent museum.
Skopje grew rapidly druing united Yugoslavia and became a major
[citation needed] industrial centre for the south-central Balkans region. In 1991 the Yugoslav federation broke up and Skopje became the capital of the independent Republic of Macedonia. Greece objected to the use of the name Macedonia by the new state, and imposed an economic blockade on the country, which severely {fact} damaged the economy of the Republic of Macedonia by closing its access to the sea through Thessaloniki. The blockade was lifted in 1995 following an agreement between the two governments on the name issue which still hasn't been resolved.

The church of
Saint Panteleimon in Nerezi near Skopje is a superb example of the Comnenian art on the all-Byzantine level. Commissioned by several members of the royal Comnenus family, the church was not finished until 1164. Nerezi is famous for its frescoes, representing a pinnacle of the 12th-century trend of intimacy and spirituality. They are often compared with similarly delicate works by Giotto, who worked 140 years later. These murals underwent serious 19th-century overpainting but were restored lately.
A ancient Roman aqueduct survives to the north of the city. One of stone bridges connecting both side of Vardar River dates back to the reign of
Stefan Dušan. This bridge is not to be confused with the more famous Stone Bridge in the city square built under the patronage of Sultan Mehmed III the Conqueror between 1451 and 1469, today featured as the emblem of the city of Skopje. Within Skopje, there are notable buildings from the Ottoman rule such as the Kuršumli Han (medieval Turkish inn) and several mosques.
Of these mosques,
Mustapha Pasha's Mosque is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful buildings of Islamic architecture in Skopje. Located on a hill facing Fort Kale, this mosque dominates the whole surroundings and was built in the last decade of the 15th century when the military spahi system of Osmanli Turkish feudalism had reached the peak of its development. It is an endowment of Mustapha Pasha, an eminent figure in the Turkish state during the rule of Sultan Baiazid II and Sultan Selim I. The year of Mustapha Pasha's death is engraved on the entrance of his mausoluem, which is located by the mosque. It shows him to have died in 1519. The mausoleum and the mosque were both badly damaged in Skopje's 1963 earthquake, and restoration and conservation work was started in 1968. The interior of the mosque, like that of the porch, is mostly decorated with stylized plants. On the walls of the praying space are calligraphic inscriptions (lehve) with the names of Allah, Mohammed and his followers (Ebubekira, Ali, Osman and Omer) and quotations from the Qu'ran. The painted decorations are more recent, mainly from 1933 when the mosque was renovated. This can be seen from the intense blue and black color of the ornaments, which are often a confusing mass of color.
The Millennium Cross situated on the peak of the mountain Vodno is a new tourist attraction. The cross should be finished in July 2007. At 66 meters high, it is one of the biggest crosses in the world and can be seen from 30 km away.
Famous people born in Skopje
Below is a list of famous people born in Skopje or its surroundings:
Justinian the Great - Eastern Roman Emperor (482 - 566)
Mother Teresa - Roman Catholic Humanitarian (1910 - 1997)
Darko Pancev - European Cup Football Winner (1965 -)
Milčo Mančevski - Macedonian film director (1959 -)
Yahya Kemal Beyatlı - famous Turkish poet (1884 - 1958)


SanjaS said...

Well done!
That you for reminding us about the beauty of our Capital sity.
See you,

Burble said...

thank youuuuuuuu
for the you know what